"I believe that if we really want soils to be that carbon sequestering part, we need to be explaining to agriculture and producers this whole dynamic of carbon and how it's going to benefit them in ways that they really haven't thought about very much." Dr. Jerry Hatfield
Dan Frieberg

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Topics: Precision ag, soil health, yield efficiency, carbon credits, carbon sequestration, cover crops, no-till
It takes a great deal of effort to plan appropriately for the upcoming crop season. It isn't easy to be successful, and it definitely takes some time. There's an old saying that says, “You plan your work, and then you work your plan.”
Topics: Farming, Precision ag, crop protection, hybrid selection, data driven decisions, Farm Plan, farm finance
Our approach to nutrient planning is based on the fact that we want to allow our advisors, partners, and growers to get ahead when it comes to planning for the next crop season. Some advisors are having this conversation early, even before growers start combining in the fall. As we dial our focus on helping growers create a plan before the growing season begins, we look at several things. Using a spatial soil sample as one of the foundation pieces is a large part of what we do. A spatial soil sample could be a grid sample where the field is divided into smaller sizes, giving you a number of samples within a field, two-and-a-half-acre grids are common in most areas. In other areas where the field is divided into zones, zone sampling can be driven by soils, historic imagery, or EC conductivity. Instead of capturing one sample for an entire field, they're capturing more intense, site-specific samples. Layering all these samples into one computerized system and letting data science derive the factors for you helps, rather than trying to figure it out on your own in those frustrating excel sheets.
Topics: data analytics, Precision ag, crop protection, trials, Farm Plan, nutrient removals
"Part of the value of what they get in the Premier Crop program is being able to see beyond their own operations. A lot of times, hybrid and variety is the very first thing they look for."
Topics: Farm technology, data analytics, Precision ag, Ag technology, hybrid selection, group data, benchmarking, data driven decisions, seed selection, yield efficiency, farm analytics, Farm Plan
Today we will be discussing the ag industry with ag author, speaker, comedian, and personality - Damian Mason. Damian speaks on topics surrounding business and agriculture to keep audiences up to date with a touch of humor.
Topics: Farming, Precision ag, economics
"You're capable of using your yield monitor to measure,
do trials and check if your plan actually worked.
It's so much easier than it used to be." - Dan Frieberg
Topics: Farming, Farm technology, data analytics, yield efficiency, farm analytics
"We have growers who tell us that we're helping them with their economics, which helps convince their lender to give them the full operating line."
Dan Frieberg
Topics: Farming, Precision ag, Ag technology, yield analysis, yield efficiency, farm analytics, Farm Plan, farm finance
"You don't have to choose aggressive versus conservative nutrient plan for the whole field. You can treat parts of the field really aggressively and parts of the field really conservatively. Having more complex equations for a nutrient plan is a big part of what we do."
-Dan Frieberg
"Yield efficiency is about tying
agronomics and economics together.
It's perfect timing for the market
because things are so tight at the farm gate."
Topics: yield efficiency
"Squeezing every possible bushel and dollar out of every acre is critical. You have to create a farm plan to manage areas of your fields. It will produce a dramatically different productivity potential than those who don't create a plan."
Topics: Farm Plan